We can also be reached by telephone at 06 72 69 81 62
Lys aventure : Outdoor activities near Lille
General terms and conditions of sale
Find out more about our terms and conditions at Lys Aventure.
Registration conditions
Each participant must accept and respect the rules and regulations and the price conditions (mentioned above) in order to use the LYS AVENTURE acrobatic park.
Discipline – Safety
Dear participant, an introductory course is compulsory for you to enter the LYS AVENTURE course.
The LYS AVENTURE park has many courses of progressive difficulty, on which you can evolve in total autonomy. We leave it up to you to judge your ability to overcome the obstacles!
Each participant undertakes to respect the safety rules imposed by the internal regulations.
You are responsible for your own safety and that of the other participants, as well as for the equipment provided to you (lifelines, harness, karabiners, pulley, gloves, etc.).
LYS AVENTURE declines all responsibility in the event that the use of the equipment does not comply with the recommendations made during the initiation session.
We reserve the right to exclude any person (individual or group) who hinders the smooth running of the park and its activities.
Prices and terms of payment
The current price corresponds to an average session of 3 consecutive hours for the main courses and 1.5 hours for the family courses. Beyond that, an additional 5 €/hour will be charged.
Prices are indicated per person and in euros. They include VAT!
They may vary according to
The age group and/or size.
The number of participants.
Prices are only valid at the time of registration (courses paid in advance, courses paid in cash).
After a course has been started and for whatever reason, no refund is possible.
Individual rate :
This rate applies to the client who registers individually, or as part of a group of less than 15 participants.
Group rate +10 people:
This rate applies to groups of between 10 and 25 participants and to large families on presentation of proof.
Group rate + 25 people:
This rate applies to groups with between 25 and 100 participants.
Company committee and business gift rates:
These rates apply to Works Council or Company customers who subscribe to a ticketing offer or business gifts and who must be able to prove their status on request, subject to full payment of the entrance fee in advance.
Prepaid registrations are not subject to price adjustments, if applicable. (Unless otherwise stated, the validity of tickets is limited to the current calendar year).
Corporate rates :
These rates apply to corporate customers who organise an outing as part of a seminar, conference or event.
Community and school rates:
Special rates are granted by LYS AVENTURE to town halls, leisure centres, schools and supervisors.
Organisers benefiting from these special rates must be able to prove their status on request.
Modification or Cancellation by the client
Cancellation or modification of a registration, whatever the reason, will result in the payment of a fee which varies according to the date on which it occurs:
Up to 15 days before the date of the outing: 10% of the price.
Less than 15 days or No show: 100% of the price.
Modification or Cancellation by LYS AVENTURE
The cancellation or modification of a registration by LYS AVENTURE, mainly due to impracticable terrain or bad weather conditions, gives the right to postpone the session to a later date or to reimburse the price to the client.
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Lys Aventure - Copyright 2024 - Mentions Légales et CGV
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Lys Aventure - Copyright 2024 - Mentions Légales et CGV